Dawn & Hawkes

In Bed With Dawn & Hawkes
There’s a flower called Queen Anne’s Lace that grows in fields and meadows and along sleepy country roads. There’s a quiet beauty to it. Delicate, free and wild. It’s the same way we'd describe Dawn & Hawkes' music. Voices and harmonies that find each other, climb and grow and perfectly intertwine. They’ve wowed the judges on The Voice, had a No. 1 Billboard hit with their rendition of the Beatles, “I’ve Just Seen a Face”, played the likes of Austin City Limits, SXSW and Tedx, and their latest collaboration is just as sweet as their love story: an album they wrote, recorded and produced themselves, “Yours And Mine”.
Miranda Dawn and Chris Hawkes took time out of their latest tour to hop in bed and sing us “Life is a Good Song” and share their very favorite things with us.
Favorite song:
Miranda: "Revelator" by Gillian Welch or Chocolate On My Tongue by The Wood Brothers
Chris: "Black Country Woman" by Led Zeppelin—that recording captured
so much energy
Favorite restaurant:
Miranda: Kerbey Lane or Magnolia Cafe
Chris: Same! Almost anywhere in Chicago too.
Favorite thing/prized possession:
Miranda: My guitar. It was my Dad's and has been my favorite guitar since
I can remember.
Chris: Me too!! I've had something like a thousand shows w/ my guitar and it
feels like home everywhere we go.
Favorite bar:
Miranda: Salsa Bar at Polvos Mexican Restaurant in Austin
Chris: Anywhere in Pacific Beach, San Diego
Favorite place in the whole wide world:
Miranda: Big Sur
Chris: Same again! And Colorado—so beautiful and full of sweet people
Website: http://www.dawnandhawkes.com
Instagram: dawnandhawkes
Miranda: missmirandadawn
Chris: hawkesmusic