Brushy One String
They say there’s magic inside all of us, but I’ve never felt it more keenly than when I met Brushy One String.
Quiet and reserved, Brushy comes alive when he plays…when he finds his voice amongst the percussive knocks and buzz of his one-string guitar.
Born Andrew Chin, in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, he was orphaned at an early age. He didn’t know how to read. But after a vision he had at 15 years of age, he picked up an old acoustic guitar and played its one E string till he found the scale.
He taught himself to read. He practiced and played, played and prayed, and as fate would have it, director/producer Luciano Blotta, discovered him, his soulful voice, and that one-string guitar, outside a rural recording studio in 2004. Brushy sang his now iconic song, “Chicken in the Corn”, and it was magic. Beautiful, unexpected, real. The King of One String was born.
Favorite song: Ben E King "Stand by Me", Bob Marley "Get up Stand Up", Owen Gray "The Greatest Love of All"
Favorite restaurant: Truly, I don't like restaurants. I have a hard time when I'm on tour because of this, so oftentimes I end up eating at McDonald's. So I guess outside of Jamaica it has to be McDonald’s, haha. Otherwise, home-cooked Jamaican food for me, please. And you can get this anywhere in Jamaica, on the side of the road, etc.
Favorite bar: Transporter Bar - here near my house.
Favorite thing/prized possession: My piece of land that I recently purchased on the hills in Oracabessa, Jamaica.
Favorite place in the whole wide world: Dunns River. Ocho Rios, Jamaica
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